Dimpel, Friedrich Michael: Narratologische Textauszeichnung in Märe und Novelle
Friedrich Michael Dimpel, Friedrich Michael: Narratologische Textauszeichnung in Märe und Novelle in Märe und Novelle. In: Bernhart, Toni/Willand, Marcus/Richter, Sandra/Albrecht, Andrea (Hg.): Quantitative Ansätze in den Literatur- und Geisteswissenschaften. Systematische und historische Perspektiven. Berlin/Boston 2018, S. 121–147. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110523300-006
Abstract: In this paper, I suggest a system of annotation designed for the use in Computational Narratology. The levels of annotating I use in my study are as fol- lows: space, time, focalisation, reported speech, narrator’s speech, relation of the speech of a character/of the narrator to a certain character, evaluative remarks, negation, figurative speech, ambiguity. Alongside with the tagset, the guidelines for annotation are being refined in order to enable different persons to achieve consistent results (inter-annotator-agreement). In doing so, narratological mod- els will be systematically reassessed and refined. The aim of this project is there- fore to annotate about 100 short narratives. The corpus will render possible a great variety of follow-up aims and objectives. It permits systematic access to cor- pus segments annotated in the same way. Using ›Studentenabenteuer A‹ and ›Decamerone‹ IX,6, I discuss a number of details and problems in narratological annotation. Finally, I present some examples of quantitative analysis using among others MTLD and Social Network Analysis.