Hoven, Heribert: Studien zur Erotik in der deutschen Märendichtung

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Hoven, Heribert: Studien zur Erotik in der deutschen Märendichtung. Göppingen 1978 (= Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 256)


These studies have been in effort to present an extensive account and interpretation of the forms of the erotic element in the genre of the German Märe. The conclusion arrived at is that the erotic themes, which occupy a place in this genre too prominent to be overlooked, are not to be classed as a symptom of degeneration or as a secondary device to impart colour, but to be recognised as a generic constituent. This is borne out by a number of interpretations in chronological order and by a consideration of the amorous vocabulary, concluding with a discussion of the way in which the genre makes use of erotic motives and topics. Viewed against the background of the inherent combination of erotic and comic elements, the obviously delectative story-telling strategies of the authors of the Mären become vidible. Moreover, the high degree of constancy of the principles of presentation, proof of which is derived above all from a comparison of thematically kindred Mären, brings home emphatically the fact that the Mären are a genre, and that the authors were aware of the receptive expectations of their public. (Hoven, Heribert: Studien zur Erotik in der deutschen Märendichtung, S. 409)

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